There’s nothing spookier in your marketing and branding than running into these five no-nos. Don’t be the guy that walks down a dark alley alone on Halloween night.

Nothing says “I don’t care” more than low resolution graphics and imagery. With smartphones equipped with excellent cameras and accessible design resources like Canva, there is no excuse to publish anything fuzzy or pixelated.

While it’s important to know that small spelling mistakes aren’t the end of the world, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do everything in your power to avoid them. If spelling isn’t your strong suit, try installing a program like Grammarly and have several sets of eyes look over everything before it’s presented to the public.

Marketing has taken a sharp turn in the last 10 years towards fostering genuine connection with your audience vs. sounding like you have it all figured out. Companies and businesses are being held to a higher standard in all areas, including communicating with customers in an honest, down-to-earth fashion. Genuine > Perfect.

As a multi-generational team, we understand how hard it can be to keep up with trends. Just when you thought you had Instagram figured out, TikTok showed up to the party and made us all start from scratch. While it is important to cater to your specific age demographic, even Gen X and Boomers get tired of seeing the same old visuals and platforms. Keep things new and fresh as much as possible!

This is your official sign to stop using random fonts, colors and images that don’t align with your overall brand. Consistency is SO important when it comes to cultivating a strong brand presence, and that means reigning in your need to “mix it up” and sticking to some hard and fast guidelines outlined in your brand guide. Don’t have a brand guide or don’t know what that is? Learn more here.
Phew, we made it through that haunted house of marketing mishaps in one piece. If you’re not sure how to avoid all of these scaries or you don’t have time to learn, please know that we are here to help!