6 Signs Your Website is Out of Date

When was the last time you took a good, hard look at your website?

If it’s something you routinely avoid or if you genuinely have no idea what you’re even looking for, check out these telltale signs that your online presence is stuck in the dark ages.

1. Your padlock is unlocked

What was once considered an option for information-sensitive websites is now essential to the health and success of every website – yes, even yours. If that little padlock next to your domain name is unlocked, that means the people who visit your website and enter personal information are vulnerable to interception by hackers. Yikes! Not only does this create an unsafe browsing experience for your customers, but it also negatively affects your chances of showing up in search engines. Some browsers have even started issuing scary warnings to your visitors, letting them know that if they continue browsing, their information may be compromised. Talk about a rough first impression!

How to Update: Time to get a security certificate. Check out LetsEncrypt.org for an array of free options. Feeling a bit in over your head? We can tackle it for you!

2. It looks the same on mobile as it does on desktop

You may have heard the term “responsive” thrown around the last few years, and for good reason. Responsive website design isn’t just the newest trend, it’s the only type of website that’s acceptable in this day and age. Every single one of our clients’ analytics show over half of their website visitors access their websites using mobile phones – HALF! That means if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re leaving an unfortunate impression on the majority of your potential customers.

How to Update: The best way to get your website in mobile-worthy shape is to bite the bullet and reach out to a professional. Some website platforms like Squarespace automatically format their templates to be web friendly, but there are still tweaks that can be made by a seasoned web designer that can make a huge difference in the end user experience.

3. It takes forever to load

Website technology is constantly evolving as quickly as attention spans are decreasing. Statistics show that if your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, people are throwing their hands up and moving on to the next thing. Nobody has time for a slow website anymore. That means if you can’t keep up, you’re getting left in the dust and the next guy is getting all the business.

How to Update: There are a myriad of factors that go into a website’s loading speed. Handy tools like Pingdom and PageSpeed give you an idea of where to start, and your friendly neighborhood web designer can help you implement the parts you don’t understand.

4. It has a bazillon pages

Gone are the days when more pages meant more opportunities for web crawlers to shoot you to the top of search engine lists. Nowadays, those digital critters are powered by AI vs. algorithms, which means quality is way more important than quantity. Google can tell when your website is difficult to navigate – redundant content included – so “the more the merrier” no longer applies when it comes to page counts.

How to Update: Time to consolidate! Make sure each page has a specific purpose and that all of your content is intentional and organized with the customer in mind. If your website has tons of headers and sub-headers, make sure each one serves a purpose and nix the ones that don’t. Simplify, simplify!

5. Your last blog was from 3 years ago

Scoping out a business’ blog page is a quick way to assess how active they are in keeping their content relevant. Even if they’re not exactly literary genius, an active blog is a great way to let your audience know that you still have a pulse.

How to Update: Set aside a few hours to create a posting plan. Figure out what you’d like to highlight over the next few months and get those fingers to the keyboard! We find that it’s most efficient to write several posts at a time and schedule them out over a few months – that way you don’t have to worry about it each month. Overwhelming? Don’t worry – we can help you curate content for blogs on a one-time or monthly basis!

6. Your photos and graphics are dated

Whether you’re still using an old logo or your photos show your now-grown children as toddlers, your visuals are the best (and easiest) way to make sure your website is looking fresh. Your customers can spot outdated content from a mile away. Believe it or not, your “Best New Business in 2001” badge doesn’t quite have the same effect as it did 10 years ago.

How to Update: Pick a regular time (monthly, quarterly or annually) to go through your website content with a fine-toothed comb. Make sure your photos and graphics are up to date, and schedule a shoot with your favorite photographer or graphic designer if they’re not.

If it’s been awhile since you put on your Potential Customer hat and took a critical look at the ‘ole online digs, it’s probably time to give your website some TLC. If you’re struggling with any of the above issues, we can help!

Give us a call or shoot us an email and we’ll get your online presence up to date as fast as you can say “HTTPS!”

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