5 Ways to Get Closer to Your Social Media Audience

The need to feel connected has been a staple of humanity since long before we were around and will continue to be until the end of time. Especially now in the wake of Covid-19, people crave connection more than ever. So why should your business social media presence overlook that? We’re great at using our personal social feeds as a way to connect with other people, but for some reason when it comes to business, people tend to put on their professional hats and create a wall that no one is interested in trying to breech.

No connection means nobody cares about what you're offering.

Here are a few ways you can break down that wall and start to form a genuine connection with your followers and potential customers.

1. Know your demographic

We cannot stress enough how important it is to be aware of who you’re actually talking to. If you’re slinging Gen Z lingo in your Instagram captions when your demographic is primarily comprised of Boomers, they’re going to be left scratching their heads and scrolling to the next thing. Meet your audience where they’re at and make sure you’re offering content that speaks to them specifically. Instagram and Facebook both have extensive tools available to find out all kinds of information about your followers. Need help? Drop us a line.

2. Introduce yourself

The majority of our clients are shy about putting themselves front and center on their social feeds. Time and time again we find that social media wants to see your beautiful faces! This is particularly important when marketing to a small town like Lake Chelan, because locals tend to be wary of people they don’t “know.” Whether you have a large staff or it’s just you and your dog, snap some photos with a decent phone camera and peel back a layer or two with a vulnerable caption so the public can get a feel for the people behind the brand. Dedicate one post per week to someone on your team and see how well it performs compared to the rest of your posts – we dare you!

3. Ask for feedback

One of the best ways to encourage engagement and get to know your audience better is to involve them in your process. Asking for feedback shows your potential customers that you’re willing to evolve in order to better meet their needs – and you might just learn something new! Try posting a poll or invite former clients to leave a review on your Facebook page. The worst-case scenario is that you end up with a list of things to do to make your business better.

4. Encourage participation

Remember that part about people wanting to feel connected? What better way to do that then to encourage your audience to join in on the fun! Break up the monotony in someone’s scrolling session by posting a giveaway, contest or a question in your Instagram stories. Give your followers a chance to influence your next product offering or name a new item on your menu. Whatever it is, make sure you revisit #1 on this list and cater to your audience or you’ll be disappointed by the results.

5. Video, video, video

Here’s another one our clients tend to be afraid of…and we can’t say we blame them. There’s nothing more vulnerable than putting your face – and voice – out there for everyone to see. Something you’ll often hear us say is “video is king,” and we mean it! It is the single best medium you can present to the world when it comes to marketing your business. Think about it: When you’re scrolling through an endless feed of static images, what makes you pause? Movement! Even if all the consumer does is take an extra second to see if the video will interest them, that’s a second longer to take in your brand and a second less spent on the next guy. Don’t have the budget for a professionally produced vid? No problem, just whip out your smart phone, get on your Instagram or Facebook stories and start talking!

We hope these few tips help you take the first step in getting closer to your social media audience. We know it can be intimidating at first, but the more you put yourself out there, the easier it gets! If you’re not sure where to start or you need some help with a particular task, let us know.

We’re here to help you put your best foot forward!

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