Getting Started With LC Creative Marketing in 2023
We did it! A new year is upon us, and we are so excited to jump into a fresh 12 months of innovative marketing and graphic design. LC Creative Marketing …
We did it! A new year is upon us, and we are so excited to jump into a fresh 12 months of innovative marketing and graphic design. LC Creative Marketing …
As you all know, starting and running a business is HARD WORK. Our team is growing, our clientele is growing, but guess what’s not growing? The number of hours we …
It feels like there’s always a gimmick when you click on a blog post about building your Instagram for free. Have no fear! LCCM is here to give you 3 …
As different as our personalities are as partners, one thing we have in common is the desire and passion for producing authentic content for ourselves AND for our clients. We …
In this day and age, there are SO many avenues to advertise your business that it can be incredibly overwhelming to figure out what you should use. Lucky for you, …
If you’ve been following us for awhile, you’ve surely heard us use the term “Design on Retainer” or DOR. Design on Retainer is a service we offer at LC Creative …
The majority of our Design on Retainer clients hire us to manage their Instagram feeds, often when they sought our services for a different reason. Why? Because as many business …
The need to feel connected has been a staple of humanity since long before we were around and will continue to be until the end of time. Especially now in …
It’s more important than ever before to make sure your online presence is on point. With shopping habits rapidly shifting to virtual marketplaces, some experts think this trend will continue …
Last week was one for the books at LCCM headquarters. On Monday we put our heads together to come up with a plan to: Support our existing clients the best …