The Three E’s of Dreaming Big

What started as a conversation between acquaintances over beers eventually turned into a brainstorming meeting, which resulted in a business name and tagline, a license application, domain purchase and a BIG dream shared by the two of us. We chose the tagline “Dream Big” because that’s what we did, and we wanted to encourage others to do the same. Whether it’s leaving your current job to start the business you’ve always wanted, asking for a raise or taking your business in a new direction – When it comes to the way you make a living, we believe that dreaming big is essential to living your best life.

“Dream Big” isn’t just a cute sign you hang in your bathroom. For us, it’s the baseline behind every decision we make in our business. We’ve broken it down for you below and invite you to DREAM BIG right along with us as we move in to 2021.

1. Evaluate

You can’t know where you’re headed until you understand where you’re starting from. Evaluation of your current situation is imperative to figuring out what the heck your dream actually is! So, you’re unsatisfied with your job or business -- but do you know exactly why? Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

Am I being compensated fairly?

Am I interested in the work I’m doing?

Are the social dynamics healthy in my workplace?

Do I have all the resources I need to accomplish my goals?


Once you’ve figured out the more tangible aspects of your current circumstances, then it’s time to dive into the bigger, scarier questions:

Can I see myself doing this for the next 10 years?

Do I go home at the end of the day feeling accomplished?

Am I still learning new things and growing as a person?

Do I have any extra to give my family at the end of the day?

Am I proud to tell people what I do?

Am I genuinely happy?


If you considered all of those questions thoughtfully and come out the other side feeling unsatisfied, then it’s time to move on to the next question: What now?


2. Envision

The easiest (and most enjoyable) part of dreaming big is…well, dreaming! Start by considering your “no’s” from the previous questions. What would it take to turn each one of those into an enthusiastic “YES!”?  The key to envisioning your dreams is skipping the limitations and truly dreaming as BIG as you possibly can -- save the logistics for later.

What do you want your daily life to look like?

What do you have to offer that the world needs?

Is there anyone else you would you like to involve in your dream?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

No idea is too big or crazy for this step! In fact, the only way to get “dreaming big” wrong is by (you guessed it) dreaming too small. If you’re going to make a drastic change in your life, it might as well be for something epic. Get it all written down and out of your brain before you start sorting through what’s actually possible.


Which brings us to the next step…


3. Execute

Now that you know where you’re starting and where you’re headed, it’s time to make it happen! This is the time when you sort through the logistics of making your big dream come true. Identify who, what, when and where, and make sure you’re moving forward as informed as possible in all of those areas. There’s a lot that you’ll learn along the way, but the more prepared you are before you start, the better off you’ll be down the road.

This can be a difficult step for many, and one that often ends up snuffing out the dream before it even starts. There is a delicate balance between dreaming without limits and working within what’s actually possible. Just because you want to quit your desk job and open a food truck that pays all of your bills within a month, doesn’t mean there’s any universe in which that can happen. Open the food truck, but make sure you have a plan for how to keep the electricity on while you build up your fanbase.

Dreaming big is at the very core of who we are at LCCM. It has changed our lives so dramatically over the last 3-1/2 years that it’s hard to keep up sometimes! We know that marketing, branding, websites and all of the other little creative details involved in big business dreams often end up as a road block. It is our sincerest and deepest desire to obliterate those road blocks and help you get to where you’re going.

Let us be a part of your execution plan!

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